At the heart of our continent are our communities! So we must adopt the 2030 Global Agenda & tailor make them to our communities to attain success across the continent.
It will require every young person deciding today to take charge & responsibility of a Global Goal target(s) in their communities.
What civic service can you effect & offer in your community today? Is it to improve the livelihood of all animal life & plant life?
Is it to ensure environmental sustainability?
Is it to work towards ending extreme poverty in your community?
Is it to fight Inequalities & injustice in your community?
Is it to increase & improve youth employment levels? Is it to improve healthcare & health education?
Is it to increase agricultural enrichment in your community?
The good news is that the 2030 Global Goal agenda is all encompassing! However, the duty to align the Global Goals targets into community targets rests upon us
Malengo Foundation is aimed at encouraging & facilitating young people in our communities to become our own Community ambassadors for the Global Goals
- Choose Your Global Goal
- Own Your Global Goal
- Transform your Global Goal to align with your community goals & needs
- Tailor-make your community goals
Join the Malengo 2030 Agenda to Transform Africa
Stand with the Global Goals through your communities needs